Whether or not you’re an existing client of Clifford Gouldson Lawyers we’re happy to discuss your legal issues or queries. Please call us at your convenience or complete the form here and we’ll get in touch with you. You may also like to review the extensive legal information available within our Legal Knowledge section.
259 Ruthven Street,
Toowoomba Q 4350
PO Box 8208,
Toowoomba South Q 4350
Phone 07 4688 2188
Fax 07 4688 2199
Email mail@cglaw.com.au
CG Law acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which our offices are located, being:
- for our Toowoomba office, the Jagera, Giabal and Jarowair people;
- for our Brisbane office, the Turrbal people; and
- for our Sunshine Coast office, the Kabi Kabi and Jinibara people,
Level 5, 231 George Street,
Brisbane Q 4000
PO Box 12802,
George Street,
Brisbane Q 4003
Phone 07 3130 2080
Fax 07 4688 2199
Email mail@cglaw.com.au
Sunshine Coast
Regatta Corporate Building,
2 Innovation Parkway,
Birtinya Q 4575
Locked Bag 5010,
Caloundra DC Q 4551
Phone 07 5346 4500
Fax (CGLaw) 07 4688 2199
Fax (Onsite Law) 07 5346 4599
Email (CGLaw) mail@cglaw.com.au
Email (Onsite Law) info@onsitelaw.com.au
Complete the form below and we’ll get in touch.